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Friday, December 17, 2010

Jose Miguel Fernandez

Jose Miguel Fernandez is a charmer.  He has an adorable birthmark on his face.  He is 6 yrs old, and was born 02 Dec 2003. 

He goes to school in the afternoons for 3 hours and is in 1st grade. 

Jose’s mother, Clarisel, and stepfather live together, and they also have a 4 month old little girl named Morelia.  She was born the 30 Dec 09.  They live in a small complex.  They pay 2500 RD ($70.00) for rent.  The house is painted nicely.  There is only one bed for the family.  The bathroom is very tiny, and is in a spot that makes it look like it really shouldn’t be there.  They have no fridge.